Yellow Safety Demarcation Painting
About Yellow Safety Demarcation Painting
Accident Reduction Initiative 1
After completing a thorough deep clean to allow proper adhesion of the paint, we spray the yellow demarcation lines onto the edge of the escalator steps to either match existing lines or in a style of your choice. This work is done without the need to remove the steps and is carried out in-situ. There is no downtime, the escalator is ready to run within three hours of application.

- Yellow demarcation lines can help show step movement for people with vision impairment
- They guide passengers away from escalator edges.
- We can match existing lines or apply new lines to suit requirements.
- Can be applied to any make of escalator regardless of age.
- Along with the deep cleaning this process, this will enhance the look of your escalators.
- We offer discounted rates for additional escalator maintenance cleans to keep up the high new standard of appearance.
- All work is done out of hours. No escalator downtime.

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Let's Discuss Your Next Project
Contact us now on 0800 1952 265 or send us your details and we will contact you to discuss our services free of charge and without obligation.